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Some supporting statements were sent by their authors directly to the Board on Geographic Names; copies of these may or may not appear here.
click on names in blue text below to view full documents and further biographical information of supporters
deceased, former Director, U.S. Geological Survey:
October 15,
"I think it's very appropriate to name some geographic feature
in Yosemite after Carl."
November 12,
"Looks to me you have pretty compelling reasons to proceed
with 12002...Sharsmith Peak has a nice ring to it."
Groveland, California, Yosemite author and Sharsmith biographer:
January 14, 2004: "By having
the name [Sharsmith Peak] continually in evidence, it will provide a way of
bringing Carl's message to those who did not know him--his message of love
for the natural environment and of ongoing scientifically based inquiry into
the ways of the wild."
Aptos, California, Tuolumne Meadows park visitor since 1948 and advocate of
Sharsmith naming at least since1977.
October 26, 2006: "I met Dr.
Sharsmith in 1948, and saw him frequently, having been to Tuolumne Meadows
nearly every year since 1948... He slowly became my most admired person
in the world.
He influenced thousands of visitors with his expertise of botany and
appreciation of nature... Sharsmith deserves a peak to be named after him."
December 7, 1977:
" would be a most deserving reward to name a mountain peak or lake
after Dr. Sharsmith."--Superintendent Arnberger
November 21, 1979: "...action
is now underway to introduce a Congressional bill to name a peak in Yosemite
National Park after Dr. Sharsmith...Geographic features cannot be named for
living persons [in] the normal procedure...However we recently learned of
the Congressional option that the Yosemite Natural History Association is
pursuing. It is our hope that the legislative process will be expedited so
that the formal designation of the peak will materialize soon...He is a rare
individual and he truly deserves the recognition"--Superintendent Binnewies
Circa 1980 (memo to Director,
National Park Service): "The Yosemite Natural History Association proposes
to carry out the necessary paperwork to propose the naming of a mountain
peak in Yosemite National Park after Dr. Carl Sharsmith...In order to
facilitate the process during his lifetime, it has been suggested that we go
through the Congress. Therefore, YNHA proposes to provide Congressman Coelho
with the necessary material to support the introduction of a bill. Please
let me know if you concur."--Superintendent Binnewies
August 18, 1980: "...we informed you that the Yosemite Natural
History Association was promoting Congressional action to name a peak in
Yosemite for Dr. Sharsmith...The result of that effort was not the
authorization sought...The Association is now pursuing that original
objective... We'll be happy to let you know whether this attempt leads to
the designation of Mt. Sharsmith or Sharsmith Peak."--signed by William N.
Burgen for Superintendent Binnewies
Santa Rosa,
California. former minister of Yosemite Chapel, Christian Ministry in the
National Parks
November 17,
"...for naming a feature for Carl Sharsmith...I didn't have much to
contribute except my enthusiasm for the idea!"
1903-1994, Yosemite ranger-naturalist and San Jose State University
Professor of Botany
January 20, 1977:
"Again, in connection with naming a peak or any other landmark...I'm not
opposed to your, Bob's Marilyn's, and Eileen's proposition [to name a peak
for Carl]. Furthermore, to be asked if I have a preference for some one or
other point is an honor, too! The one you mentioned (pk. at s. end Kuna
Crest, 12,106') would be wonderful. In the 50's...I thought of an un-named
peak an airline mile or so southwest of Mt. Lyell. I looked at it more than
once when I took parties up Mt. Lyell. Its altitude on my old maps (I
don't have one of the 15-minute ones) is about 12,700'. What a dandy one
that would be!"--quoted by Henry Berrey in letter of July 11, 1980 to
Congressman Tony Coelho.
26, 1991: After asking Carl if a peak was to be named for him, Bill
Jones noted on a file card, "Sharsmith Peak will be point 12002 north of
Granite Lake." (Oral communication to Bill Jones)
November 5, 2006: (conversation
recalled with Carl by Michael Ross)--"I knew that Carl wanted a peak named
after him...I asked Carl if he would like 12,002 to be Sharsmith Peak and he
was very enthusiastic about that choice...I talked to Dick Ewart and other
Naturalists in Tuolumne...We all thought it was a great choice and started
calling it Sharsmith Peak."
June 5, 2006: "May your
project thrive! Fare Forward."
8) DALE MAHARIDGE, Pulitzer prize
winning author, faculty member Columbia University, wrote text for
Yosemite: A Landscape of Life including photoessay on Carl Sharsmith,
June 12, 2006:
"I would love to write a letter. Your effort is a good one. I will do
so soonest."
9) WILLIAM R. "BILL" JONES, Silverthorne, Colorado, former Yosemite National Park Chief Park Naturalist, park planner, VistaBooks publisher. April 24, 2006: " My reason for proposing this multi-faceted: To provide inspiration through the example of this dedicated scientist and educator so that current and successive generations will continue to develop information on the natural features of this region to allow it to be best managed. And to inspire park staff to effectively communicate gained knowledge...The end result will be the continuation of the natural values...the U.S. Congress has directed be maintained..."
El Portal, California
September 8, 1976: "It's my greatest ambition to start the process
grinding to have a Yosemite mountain named for [Dr. Sharsmith]"--Henry
August 20, 1980:
"I do hope we can cut through the red tape and get a mountain named
for this fine man..."--Henry Berrey
January 7, 2002: "The board
of the association discussed the matter at its last meeting, and has agreed
to endorse the plan [to name a Sharsmith Peak]...The Yosemite Association
would lend its name and support to the initiative, and also notify our
members about it." [letter from Steve Medley, President.]
September 9, 2006:
at its annual meeting, the Board of the Yosemite Association
endorsed the proposal once again. Before a letter reporting this action
could be prepared, however, President Steve Medley died in an auto accident.
JULY 16, 2007: "On behalf of the Yosemite Association, we wish to express
our enthusiastic support for the naming of peak 12,002 in honor of the late
Dr. Carl W. Sharsmith. Our Board of Trustees voted unanimously to endorse
this proposal..." letter from Christina Holloway as Chair, Board of
Trustees, and David J. Guy as Chief Executive Officer.
deceased, Mountain View, California, Geologist Emeritus, U.S. Geological
Survey, author of Geologic History of Yosemite National Park.
September 23, 2003: "Carl's
contributions to the lore of Yosemite were outstanding and he is as
deserving of having a Mountain Peak named for him as was Ansel Adams.
Indeed, over time Carl left a lasting personal imprint on more park visitors
than Ansel ever did...I would be willing to provide an endorsement.."
October 6, 2006: "I
wholeheartedly support naming a peak overlooking his beloved Tuolumne
Meadows for Carl Sharsmith."
deceased, Fredericksburg, Texas, Yosemite Chief Park Naturalist 1955-1966,
NPS Chief of Interpretation and Visitor Services at Washington Office
1966-68, Manager NPS Harpers Ferry Design Center1969-1970, publisher
December 23, 2003: "During a
30-year career with the National Park Service I observed and worked with
many ranger-naturalists. In my opinion none surpassed Carl Sharsmith. I
attended many of his campfire programs. I climbed to the summit of Mt. Lyell
with him and spent seven days with him on the High Sierra Loop Trail. Park
visitors loved him and he loved teaching them in his distinctive, folksy
Nothing could be more natural than to name a peak for him among the High
Sierra flowers he knew better than anyone."
April 27, 2006: "Carl was
magical in the true sense of the word. He brought a new meaning and
appreciation of nature to thousands of park visitors. In our world of
turmoil few mountain peaks have been named for individuals who knew and
admired them for most of a lifetime as Carl did. Even though future visitors
will not know this peaceful man, it is fitting that a peak he loved and
which they will enjoy should bear his name."
JUNE 4, 2007: "In a career
of 45 years as a park naturalist and museum director with the National Park
Service and Texas Parks and Wildlife I can say without hesitancy that I
never worked with a better naturalist than Carl Sharsmith...Many Yosemite
peaks bear names of famous personages...But I don't know of a single one
that was named for a man who brought understanding of nature to the
thousands who walked with him as did Carl Sharsmith."
13) WAYNE MERRY, Atlin,
British Columbia, Canada, former Yosemite National Park climbing school
director, former park naturalist and ranger at Tuolumne Meadows, former
Chief Ranger of Olympic and Mount McKinley (now Denali) National Parks,
world-class mountaineer and mountain rescue and first aid expert, author,
plant taxonomy student of Carl Sharsmith
May 7, 2006:
I am normally opposed to naming peaks for individuals...most of us feel that
people like Carl, who have spent their lives educating, enthralling,
delighting and getting people in touch with their environment deserved to
bestow their names on the places they have so profoundly inhabited. He
discovered a number of new species in the Yosemite Sierra as well as
bringing countless thousands of people to an appreciation of the range and
its biota. I have no doubt that his lessons have spread to millions by now."
14) BUTCH FARABEE, former
Tuolumne Meadows District Ranger at Yosemite National Park, author of
National Park Ranger: an American Icon
November 30, 2006:
"It would be a fitting testimonial to the national park ideal for
future, young interpreters to stand in this mountain's shadow--and...point
toward the granite prominence off in the distance and to their young
charges, say "And there is Sharsmith Peak!"
Honolulu, Hawaii, former Chief Park Naturalist and Valley District Manager,
Yosemite National Park, former NPS Regional Director
May 25, 2006: "I regard
Sharsmith as the greatest interpreter of the wild and scientific values of
the high Sierra since John Muir...By happenstance Carl’s tenure in Yosemite
corresponded with the park’s continual quest to understand and manage meadow
encroachment by forests, fuel buildup during times of maximum fire control,
visitor crowdedness damaging wilderness, air pollution dimming the vibrant
visibility of the Sierra viewscapes, and over-development of visitor
facilities. His was the constant voice rationally interpreting these
concerns to the public... My own love of the Sierra is a thousand fold more
profound--for I was educated by Carl Sharsmith."
16) DEBRA PLANT, Auburn,
California, assistant to City Manager, Rocklin, California:
May 23, 2006: "
[will] the world []be made a better place by labeling the peak
'Sharsmith'[?} When my children and grandchildren travel to [the area], I
can point out the peak and tell the tale of Dr. Sharsmith...who, for years,
gave himself to [the area] to make others love it and care for it as it
should be. In my town, when the school kids come for a tour of a City
facility named after one of the 'old-timers", they hear of the good deeds
and the integrity of that individual...I hope that the voices raised in [Dr.
Sharsmith's] memory...bring about the naming of Sharsmith the
tales can be told, and children can lift up their eyes to ideals greater
than they have not yet even imagined."
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, former Crater Lake, Zion, and Yosemite National Parks
Naturalist, former student of Carl Sharsmith, now President of Senes Oak
Ridge Center for Risk Analysis
May 23, 2006:
"It was during [summer 1966 at
Crater Lake National Park]...that I first learned of Dr. Sharsmith's
legendary reputation among park naturalists throughout the National Park
System. Several of our most veteran naturalists at Crater Lake had been
trained by Dr. Sharsmith in Tuolumne Meadows...During the summer of Zion National Park..I would meet other NPS personnel and park
visitors who would share with me their inspirational experiences while
hiking with or attending an evening program conducted by 'the great' Carl
Sharsmith...Dr. Sharsmith's ability to communicate his passion for the
aesthetic qualities of the Tuolumne wilderness was a gift on par with the
writings of John Muir and the photographs of Ansel Adams...The unnamed
mountain, Peak 12002, has been informally known among many park visitors and
park employees as Sharsmith Peak. I am requesting that the U.S. Board on
Geographic Names formally consider the name Sharsmith Peak for this feature
to honor the memory of this great human being and to preserve his legacy."
deceased, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Director, National Park Service
(1993-1997), Director Emeritus, National Museum of American History,
June 29, 2006:
"[Dr. Sharsmith] is already a lesson for those who are told about
him, as I was when I first came to Yosemite as [NPS] Director--we should use
the naming process to make him a lesson for a lot more people."
19) BILL WENDT, Midpines,
California, former Yosemite Chief Ranger
April 24, 2006: "I took one
of Carl's three day flower identification trips sponsored by the Yosemite
Natural History Association and was entranced. His botanizing demonstrated a
most complete knowledge about plants, but what captured my attention was his
enthusiasm, good humour and ability to capture my imagination and impart a
desire to learn more. I am in total support of naming a peak after Carl
Sharsmith. I know of no one who more deserves it...Here was a real gentleman
with a tremendous exuberance for life and living things..."
Mariposa, California, former Chief Park Naturalist, Yosemite National Park
May 31, 2006:
"This gentle man's interpretive programs, his scientific
contributions to the body of knowledge of Yosemite and his selfless, humble
efforts to enhance visitors' appreciation of the park's intrinsic attributes
were as significant as John Muir's writings and Ansel Adams' photographs in
influencing people's perception of Yosemite. Both Muir and Adams have
mulitiple landscape features named for them. Dr. Sharsmith deserves the
honor of at least one namesake landmark to symbolize his legacy, a legacy
that many who can never know the man will recognize as significant to the
preservation of Yosemite and the High Sierra...I'm convinced that no
individual deserves this recognition more..."
Silverthorne, Colorado, Partner, VistaBooks, L.L.C. publishing company of
June 5, 2006: "I
have successfully raised two boys into productive society, in the process
working with their schools and with them and their peers in their boy scout
troop as well as self-teaching my boys while we lived in foreign countries,
and I have therefore seen the need for the intricacy and delicacy and
enthusiasm on the part of leaders that encourages interest and
understanding. Dr. Sharsmith excelled in providing these and I feel that we
should not only honor him in our memory but recall his methods to our youth
so they might aspire to similar effectiveness as their lives unfold...I have
four grandchildren of my own and when the time is right hope to tell them of
Sharsmith Peak and its namesake so, through his example, they may gain
motivation to learn and grow in their knowledge and thinking. Near where I
live we remember John Wesley Powell's explorations and studies more because
we have Mount Powell. In my state we also have Longs Peak and Pikes Peak and
many others that remind us of our American heritage..May there soon be a
Sharsmith Peak that will remind us of the value of education and science
that Dr. Sharsmith stood for..."
22) BOB KAUNE, Port
Angeles, Washington, former Yosemite naturalist
June 6, 2006: "My reason for
proposing this name for [Sharsmith Peak] is that Carl Sharsmith was in the
same league as John Muir, Joseph LeConte and other notable wilderness minded
persons that influenced public attitudes in managing and protecting the
resources of the Sierra Nevada Range of California..Naming of the peak for
him would reinforce his commitment in life as an example for others."
23) BOB BARBEE, Bozeman,
Montana, former Yosemite ranger, naturalist, and resources manager. NPS
Alaska Regional Director, Superintendent Yellowstone, Redwood, Hawaii
Volcanoes, Cape Hatteras, and Cape Lookout National Parks and Seashores:
June 5, 2006:
"A fitting tribute would be naming this feature, Sharsmith Peak, as a
beacon for future generations to contemplate the value of, and commitment to
thoughtful action for saving wild places and their native inhabitants."
Sarasota, Florida, doctor of oriental and homeophathic medicine
June 11, 2006:
"As a professional in the field of Oriental Medicine and Homeopathic
Medicine, where natural herbs are used to effect cures of certain maladies,
I found Dr. Sharsmith's understanding of the uses of
plants...fascinating...To actually have the plants pointed out to me in
their native habitats, with their individual requirements as to moisture,
temperature, and exposure explained, makes prescribing them to my patients
far more meaningful...Naming a Yosemite peak for Dr. Sharsmith...would help
keep alive not only the memory of Dr. Sharsmith but of his ways of inspiring
others in fields not only in his own botany, but in other applications of
botanical knowledge such as my own field."
25) B.J. GRIFFIN, San
Francisco, California, former Yosemite National Park superintendent,
Castillo San Marcos and Fort Matanzas National Monuments Superintendent,
presently Executive Director The Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito, CA):
June 13, 2006: "We speak
of people as 'legends in their own time,' but I suspect that Carl embodied
that beyond contemporary meaning. He changed lives, and by modeling his
devotion to the natural world, he inspired thousands of ambassadors to save
it. By naming the peak Sharsmith Peak, these and future generations will
carry on the inspiration and devotion to saving our natural world. It was my
honor to have served as Superintendent of Yosemite during the time of Ranger
Sharsmsith. This was a rare privilege indeed and one for which I shall
always feel blessed."
Bay, California, former Superintendent Yosemite National Park 1986-1989
May 28, 2006: "Naming a feature in Yosemite for [Carl]
would serve as an inspiring reminder to future generations of the dedication
and expertise of an individual who, for 6 decades, devoted his summers to
explain, educate, and demonstrate to others the uniqueness and importance of
Yosemite's natural resources...I fully support the proposal. And finally,
since the feature identified in the proposal is currently unnamed, but is
already commonly called Sharsmith Peak, I feel officially naming the feature
would be totally appropriate."
Clovis, California, former Tuolumne Meadows ranger-naturalist:
June 8, 2006:
"[Carl was] a nature guru
with an uncommon ability to convey his love of natural things, he was
instrumental in developing a unique program of hands-on instruction,
influencing thousands. Over fifty friends, park associates, relatives, and
admirers contributed to the festschrift dedicated to Carl:
Climb Every Mountain: A Portrait of
Carl Sharsmith. [This entire work is supporting
testimony to the effort to name some park prominence for Carl--ed.]
As a colleague of Carl's for over four decades on and off the trail, I wish
to add my support to this effort to commemorate his name up there in the
snowy heights along with names such as Dana, Lyell, McClure, Darwin, Eisen,
Harte, California, former Yosemite naturalist, now Sequoia-Kings Canyon
National Park wilderness ranger and editor of online Sierra Nature Notes:
May 9, 2006: [Carl} was a
huge influence on my career as a backcountry ranger...No one in the last
century was more knowledgeable about Yosemite's natural history or more
closely identified with a place--Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite--as Dr.
Sharsmith. No one has spent more time hiking the trails, meadows, and peaks
of the Tuolumne region than Carl--not Ansel Adams or the Yosemite geologist
Francois Matthes or even John Muir himself...Peak 12,002 north of Tioga Pass
is already informally called Sharsmith Peak..It was Carl who was one of the
inspirations for me to revive Yosemite Nature Notes (published from about
1920 to 1980) as an online journal so people could gain a deeper
appreciation of the Sierra and work to preserve it. I don't think his unique
combination of detailed scientific knowledge of a place, the ability to
teach and excite others about the Sierra, and such a life-long commitment to
a place will occur again. His life was an inspiration to all who knew him.
Naming Sharsmith Peak in the heart of the Tuolumne region of Yosemite will
enable that memory to be kept alive to inspire others.
29) BOB FRY, deceased,
Groveland, California, Yosemite ranger-naturalist, 1960-circa 2003:
June 10, 2006:
"I think (and feel) that an exception should be made in the naming of
a peak for our friend. Carl's contribution to the lore of the Sierra
Mountains exceeds ninety percent of those personages who have their
appellations attached to lakes (mostly wives, daughters, and sweethearts),
and to mountains (various men involved with mapping, trail-building,
administrating, etc.)"
]une 21, 2006:"We used to
disdainfully tell visitors that Giant Sequoias, lakes, and mountains should
be appreciated for their intrinsic beauty, awesome size, exquisite setting,
and uniqueness. Now I believe that names on special features have nothing to
do with the nature of the feature itself. Those names, however, do honor
individuals on the map, and they very handily serve as a reference to
visitors and guides who need to communicate their interests or exploits to
each other...There are three brief reasons that are important to me in
recommending that peak 12002 bear the name of "Mount Sharsmith." The first
reason has to do with Carl's own history. His work in Yosemite and the
Sierra spanned nearly 64 years...Almost all investigators in plant life,
geology, zoology, or invertebrate biology who came to Yosemite would consult
with Carl about where and when to observe certain things in their fields of
interest... The second reason has to do with the personality and character
of Carl the man. He was endeared as a patient teacher and as a friendly
expositor...The third reason, which is first in priority, has to do with
Carl's scientific accomplishments...Carl/s work was both taxonomic and
ecological (years before the field of ecology was recognized in
universities)...Carl contributed greatly to understanding the origins of our
high-mountain plants...If there are any objections to the proposal to
exchange a mountain's number for a human name because of policy, tradition,
or authority, I hope this recommendation will warrant an exception."
ANDY KERR, Lakewood, Colorado,
District 26:
June 20, 2006: "Dr.
Sharsmith's contributions in Yosemite National Park and at San Jose State
University, both in California, in the educational field were on a scope
that gives them national importance. Recognizing these contributions in the
form of a mountain named for him in the area where he did his work will
remind us now and in the future of the value of education and inspire others
to his standards and dedication. We know that the educational field often
lacks remunerative rewards available in other pursuits, making it all the
more important to provide other means of recognition...I find that not only
should the mountain be formally named Sharsmith Peak, it would be a mistake
not to so name it. Do not lose this opportunity."
Placitas, New Mexico, former Yosemite climber and park naturalist, Chief
Naturalist of the National Park Service, and park superintendent Coulee Dam
National Recreation Area and Carlsbad Caverns National Park, author
July 10, 2006: "In view of
the fact that over Dr. Sharsmith's long and distinguished career at Yosemite
National Park he became known as 'Mr. Wilderness Educator' himself, it is
particularly appropriate to name this wilderness summit for the man...By the
time I served as Chief of the 1970s, Carl Sharsmith's
legacy was established and well-known by the Directorate in Washington,
D.C...Today...I am ever more impressed with the Sharsmith legacy as one of
our nation's premier naturalist-educators of the twentieth century, and I am
persuaded that his legacy will stand the test of time."
Bakersfield, California, Professor of Biology, California State University:
July 20, 2006:
"For the past several years park visitors and employees have
informally referred to the mountain [Peak 12,002] as 'Sharsmith Peak'...I
recall when I was a child [Dr. Sharsmith] showed me an alpine columbine and
told me how hummingbirds pollinated it. That undoubtedly planted in me a see
of interest in botany that eventually lead to my professional career as a
field botanist here at CSU Bakersfield. I strongly support the petition..."
Dear Lodge, Montana, Park Ranger, Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site:
May 8, 2006: "Dr. Carl
Sharsmith was an inspiration...but perhaps his most lasting influence was on
the rangers...We learned more than botany and its place in the ecology of
alpine terrain. We learned that deeper knowledge led, inevitably, to deeper
passion...His lasting influence deserves lasting recognition."
Diego, California, ski mountaineer:
July 31, 2006: "My reason for
proposing this name [Sharsmith Peak] for safety reasons. This peak is
a popular destination for backcountry ski mountaineers in winter and spring.
This community...informally call the peak 'False White Mountain Peak' or
just 'False White'...How does naming this peak promote safety?...'Sharsmith
Peak' avoids confusion with the real 'White Mountain' peak to the north,
which can make it impossible for groups to meet up at the same point [and}
Can cause confusion with rescue and safety personnel heading for the
unidentified peak (Sharsmith Peak). Winter storms can be fierce in the
region...Naming the peak will reduce confusion and mistakes in potentially
hazardous conditions. My association with the feature in question is
cross-country ski mountaineering travel in Winter and Spring in the
Yosemite/Tioga Pass area for over twenty years has given me a perspective on
safety and recreation issues of the region."
Placitas, New Mexico, former Tuolumne Meadows ranger with service at many
other parks and NPS regional office plus international activities
August 1, 2006:
"[Dr. Sharsmith] sold park visitors on the importance of preserving
and protecting Yosemite National Park and other units of the National Park
System...I don't think I have ever seen a naturalist as dedicated and
committed as Dr. Sharsmith to sharing the information he knew with others.
It only seems appropriate that we name a peak in the Sierras, a place he
loved above all others, for him in honor of his work in keeping the park
safe for future generations of visitors."
Bishop, California, retired forester, Inyo National Forest:
August 7, 2006: "I propose
the formal name...Sharsmith Peak...because it's in the area where he spent
much time studying the plant life and conducted field trips; Carl was the
grand old man of Yosemite and folks from all over U.S. remember his natural
history field trips."
37) ALLEN BERREY, Bishop,
California, raised in Yosemite Valley, Assistant County Counsel Mono County:
September 22, 2006:
"In urging...approval of this proposal I speak not only for myself
but also on behalf of my late mother and father--Henry and Eileen
Berrey--both of whom lived and worked for many years in father
was instrumental in transforming and developing the [Yosemite Natural
History] Association into its current status as the major [non-governmental]
provider of interpretive services, publications, and funding to the Park
Service in mother Eileen embarked, equally successfully, on a
second career as a park information specialist for the National Park
Service...I have revered Dr. Sharsmsith; our family considered him to truly
be a 'man to match the mountains.' My parents' admiration for Dr. Sharsmith
led them in 1976 to become involved in the effort to have his
legacy...recognized by having a peak in Yosemite named after him; this was
the genesis of the current effort...It is my understanding that applicable
federal policies look with disfavor on proposals to name features within
federally-designated wilderness areas. I would point out, however, that the
proposed Sharsmsith Peak lies on the border of Yosemite's wilderness, not
within it, and that the eastern portion of the peak is in non-wilderness
U.S. Forest Service lands...I see no legal or policy-based impediment to
your Board's consideration and approval of this proposal."
Missoula, Montana, former Superintendent Yosemite National Park
September 21,
"Carl Sharsmith's reputation was widely known both in and out of the
National Park Service. Long before I became Superintendent of Yosemite
National Park, while I was still a young ranger in Glacier and Yellowstone
national parks, Carl Sharsmith was held up as a model for others who wished
to really connect park visitors to the wonders and intrinsic values
of national parks. Park visitors came to associate Carl Sharsmith's
name--not the name of superintendents or chief rangers--with Yosemite. He
was that good! I urge the Board to name peak 12,002..Sharsmith Peak."
Upper Merced River Watershed Council,
Mariposa, California
October 30, 2006: "Our reason for proposing this
name [Sharsmith Peak] to establish a visual inspiration to present and
future citizens to emulate Dr. Sharsmith and match his passion for learning
and teaching and his credibility, courage, and tenacity in guiding those who
manage the environment...Individuals in management positions with the
National Park Service have extolled Dr. Sharsmith's methods and his
persistence in applying his vast knowledge to efforts that resulted in
improved management practices regarding high country areas that include the
Merced River Watershed. It is only fitting to honor Dr. Sharsmith for his
lifetime of work in the Sierra."
Ashland, Oregon, former Yosemite National Park Superintendent
May 20, 2006: "During my
tenure as Superintendent of Yosemite National Park from 1979 to 1986, many
people approached me about naming geographic features in memory of
outstanding individuals. In only one instance, did I choose to advance such
recommendations to the highest level by proposing, then, as I do now, that
'Sharsmith Peak' be so certified...In my career, I have served in several
national parks and as Executive Director of the Main Coast Heritage Trust,
Vice President of the National Audubon Society, and Executive Director of
the Palisades Interstate Park Commission...In these positions, I have met
many outstanding people, yet only one among them deserves, in my opinion,
the accolade of having a United States geographic feature named in his
honor. A 'Sharsmith Peak' in the Sierra Nevada would bring great honor to
naturalists, scientists, and rangers everywhere."
Interpretive Services Manager for Delaware North Co., Yosemite park
concessioner, instructor Yosemite Outdoor Adventure Series for Yosemite
November 5, 2003:
"I am in favor of a peak called Sharsmith Peak..I currently include
anecdotes from my experiences with Carl in a public storytelling program I
do weekly in the park. I decided to call the peak Sharsmith in my YA
description although I have never seen it referred to that way anywhere
Port Washington, Wisconsin, national park and conservation author and
November 8, 2006:
"I knew Dr. Sharsmith personally and remember him well from visits to
Yosemite over the years...I recall hearing campers and numerous return
visitors say they had arranged their vacations specifically to experience a
walk and evening program with Dr. Sharsmith...Dr. Sharsmith brought a
missionary zeal to encounters with park visitors. Best of all, he was a
wilderness scholar, interpreter, and advocate of distinction...I hope...the
designation of Mount Sharsmith may now proceed apace."
Biddeford, Maine, former Tuolumne Meadows naturalist, now Professor of
Biology and Environmental Science, University of New England:
September 26, 2006:
"My primary reason for proposing [Sharsmith Peak] because the
importance of 'place names' in national parks stems not simply from a desire
to recognize a person's contributions to a particular place or geographical
feature or event by 'naming' but more importantly 'place names' provide huge
insights into social, cultural, and natural history...I served as a seasonal
naturalist for ten years with the NPS in Yosemite National Park and
subsequently I have been a professor of biology and environmental science
for 28 years wherein I have studied and written extensively on park issues.
Through this work, I can attest to the importance of inspirational and
motivational knowledge of 'place names' . Park naturalists often tell
stories to the general public about 'place names' within the parks and not
only does this increase people's knowledge but more importantly helps show individual can make a huge difference to others in inspiring them
to more greatly care about the importance of conservation and preservation
in national parks and other public lands...It is important that places be
named after persons who provide inspiration and motivation to others with
respect to natural history, conservation, and preservation of national
lands; Dr. Sharsmith is such a person."
44) GENE ROSE, Fresno,
California, Sierra author and historian:
September 24, 2006: "Carl Sharsmith was an exceptional
individual who served the Sierra Nevada in countless ways. For half a
century, he shared his love for the mountains and their flora with young and
old. As a ranger naturalist--and then a "park interpreter"--he introduced
thousands of park visitors to the magic of the mountains. He was the Pied
Piper of the peaks. His wildflower walks and his nature hikes led the way.
But there was his personal charisma, that touched nearly everyone he
encountered, instilling not only an appreciation for the flora, but more
importantly, to the park ethic of preservation through stewardship...Little
known is his efforts towards Kings Canyon National Park. A trailblazer, yes;
a Yosemitephile, most certainly, but more than anything, Carl was committed
to the preservation of that great natural temple we know as Yosemite. The
legendary Alpine botanist has his wildflower, Sharsmithi, now he should have
this mountain peak."
Pullman, Washington, Marion Owenbey Herbarium, Washington State University:
September 26, 2006:
Peak—what a wonderful and appropriate tribute to a man who inspired
thousands of people to look closely at nature...His delight in the natural
world encompassed the tiniest details, and his contributions to our
understanding of the plant world are invaluable...We all miss Carl very
much, and to have a peak named in his honor will keep alive his memory and
the things he taught us."
Santa Barbara, California, Member of Congress of the United States,
House of Representatives, 23rd District, California:
September 29, 2006:
"I am writing to support the official naming of Sharsmith Peak..."
47) TONI CORELLI, San Jose,
California, Curator, Carl W. Sharsmith Herbarium, San Jose State University:
October 6, 2006: "I
support...Sharsmith Peak...Climbing a peak with Carl's name on it or seeing
it on a map would mean so much to those who knew him and the telling of his
stories would continue on for all generations."
48) TOM BOPP, Wawona,
California, Yosemite musician:
October 3, 2006:
"[Naming] Sharsmith Peak will remind future generations to
consider what Carl represented, and why we valued it. Then that place-name
may imbue others with an identity that is associated with profound learning,
caring, protecting, and teaching about the wilderness."
49) JOHN BYRNE, Oakton,
Virginia, former Yosemite Assistant Superintendent 1978-1982, now Chair of
the Sierra Club National Parks and Monument Committee and Adjunct Professor
George Mason University
September 21, 2006:
"My reason for proposing this due to the fact that Dr. Sharsmith
had a direct association with this peak and with this part of the Sierra
Nevada...A visit to see Dr. Sharsmith became synonymous with a visit to this
area of Sierra Nevada for hundreds of thousands of visitors to Yosemite
National Park. Dr Sharsmith also made a significant contribution to the
State of California in that he established a 15,000 sheet herbarium at San
Jose State University where he taught and was Professor Emeritus."
Bandon, Oregon, former Sharsmith student at San Jose State University, park
superintendent at several National Park System areas
September 20, 2006: "Dr. Carl
Sharsmith was one of the foremost botanist in California...Dr. Sharsmith
maintained a special relationship with Yosemite National Park, where he
would spend the summers as a park ranger...He touched both young and old,
and you left one of his walks with a deep appreciation of, and a better
understanding of the Sierra mountains...It is most fitting that one of the
Sierra peaks be named after Dr. Carl Sharsmith.
JERRY and KAARL GLEASON, Carmel, California:
September 24, 2006:
"With no personal contact with this outstanding ranger, but only by
word-of-mouth, have we heard of his tremendous influence on others--the
influence being a greater understanding, appreciation and love for National
Parks as well as for all of nature. His love of this area deserves nothing
less than a peak named after him. Many have called him a later 20th century
John Muir."
52) KEVIN CRONIN, Playa del Rey,
California, Yosemite National Park visitor:
September 18, 2006: "Of
anyone I have met he had the greatest respect for Yosemite and the Park
Service always urging adherence to the Charter of the Parks; including
preservation. He served a very long time. His name remains in common usage
throughout the park, and he was absolutely unique. As the first Ranger
assigned to Tuolumne Meadows and his long service, no one coming after will
ever surpass or duplicate his contribution. The uniqueness of Carl and his
contribution more than qualifies him to have a significant physical feature
bearing his name."
City, Nevada, former Yosemite ranger including summer and winter
ski-mountaineering ranger at Tuolumne Meadows and world mountaineer, author:
October 5, 2006: "It would be
extremely fitting to [formally] name [Sharsmith] peak after a man who made
the interpretation and explication of the natural environment of the high
Sierra his life's work. I worked with Mr. Sharsmith in Tuolumne Meadows for
several summer seasons. I am familiar with the influence he had on
generations of national park and national forest visitors, as well as on
younger generations of rangers. I also am quite familiar with the peak in
question, having climbed and skied it many times, as well as taken part in a
mid-winter rescue operation at a crashed airplane on its flanks."
October 6, 2006:
"Unlike many other people for whom Yosemite peaks are named, Carl
lived among these mountains, knew them intimately, and conveyed his
knowledge to others. '12,002' is located on the edge of Yosemite National
Park, Carl's territory, and many plants dear to Carl grow along the
way there and on the summit. Every year hundreds of people make the short
walk from Tioga Pass to Gaylor Saddle from which '12,002' is visible. At
that point, naturalists and Yosemite enthusiasts might in the future say to
groups of public or their friends, 'That peak to the north is Mount
Sharsmith, named for Carl Sharsmith who knew and loved this area and hoped
future generations would honor, enjoy, and study it as he did.'"
55) WALT DABNEY, Former Yosemite park
ranger, now Director, Texas State Parks, Austin, Texas:
October 9, 2006: "Dr.
Sharsmith was a true biologist and botanist whose love was the wilderness of
the Sierra in the high country of the Yosemite. The park was his laboratory
and his teaching classroom. There for decades he identified and classified
alpine and sub-alpine plants and imparted his vast knowledge and love of
teaching to the visiting public and more importantly to many young aspiring
National Park interpreters who are carrying on Dr. Sharsmith's work in the
Yosemite and in many other National Parks sites across the country. In my
current position as Director [of Texas State Parks], it is my role to
consider naming of places and facilities in Texas State Parks for
individuals. There are very few individuals that I feel truly merits that
sort of permanent recognition and have never recommended a landmark naming.
It is without reservation that I would support the proposal for naming the
Yosemite peak for Dr. Sharsmith."
56) DICK EWART, Yosemite National
Park, California, Yosemite National Park park ranger
October 10, 2006:
"I have been a ranger in Yosemite for over 30 years, and Carl Sharsmith was
my mentor!! As a young Ranger I attended dozens and dozens of his nature
hikes, and asked him countless questions after work ended. The education I
received from him was the most valuable in my entire career. I have a stack
of notebooks filled with information received from Carl over the years, and
to this day, I continue to pass this information along to the next
generation of park visitors. Carl's knowledge and love of Yosemite
influenced thousands of people, and these thousands will continue to educate
others about the value of protecting wilderness for future generations...I
believe it was 1988 when I helped Carl hike up to 12,002, which we rangers
all referred to as 'Sharsmith Peak'...We spent 3 days and two nights up on
his peak as he examined his favorite alpine flowers...He wanted to see them
just once more. He did, at 85 years old. I hope that Sharsmith Peak will be
named in his honor."
57) JEAN POGUE, Loomis, California,
retired Watsonville High School, California, mathematics teacher
October 14, 2006: "I urge
that the board approve...the FORMAL name of Sharsmith Peak. During the late
1940's and the 1950's, the Natural Science Department of San Jose State
College (now University) ran a summer program called The West Coast Nature
Study School...I mention this because the Sharsmiths were 'movers and
shakers' in this program. In those days the words 'ecology, ecologists' were
just coming into our vocabularies. These programs touched a great number of
people and made them aware of their environment and the need to protect it.
Part of the joy of these programs was being exposed to the great enthusiasm
exhibited by the fabulous instructors. Of course Dr. Sharsmith lead the
group in that department!...Just imagine how many people he has touched over
the years...and then how many of those folks touched others! Some day you
can imagine some lucky soul looking up at that peak and asking where did
that name come from? There will be somebody around (or spirit) that will be
more than happy to tell them."
58) JOHN SHARSMITH, former ranger and
naturalist at Yosemite and Yellowstone National Parks, son of Carl
October 17, 2006:
"I spent my childhood and early teen summers in Tuolumne Meadows
Naturalist cabin with my mother and Carl. We shared the love of a favorite
area: the Sierra spine north of Tioga Pass...I urge that Peak 12002 be
officially named Sharsmith Peak to honor the man who brought so much
pleasure, love of the mountains, and appreciation of the Sierra flora and
Natural History to so many Park Visitors."
Auburn, California, former Yosemite doctor and wife team
October 24, 2006: "For his
teaching skills, the intimate knowledge of his subject, the years and years
of dedication, and especially for the charisma with which he brought these
things to so many, many people, Carl Sharsmith has earned a place in the
Yosemite story. Remembering him by naming a peak seems very appropriate."
60) FRANK BETTS, Driggs, Idaho, former
Yosemite fire control officer
October 26, 2006:
"I request that your board approve the name Sharsmith Peak... The
name is already in informal use..."
61) WAYNE BRYANT, Golden, Colorado,
former Yosemite and Rocky Mountain National Parks naturalist and regional
Chief of Interpretation for Western and Rocky Mountain Regions.
(Wayne's father, Dr. Harold C. Bryant, was one of the first two
naturalists of the National Park Service)
October 24, 2006: "Carl
Sharsmith was one of a kind. He was one of the outstanding interpretive
naturalists during the developmental period of the seasonal
ranger-naturalist program of the National Park Service. He loved the
visitors in Yosemite National Park, and they loved him...he became a sort of
pied piper...To the many park visitor campers who came to Tuolumne Meadows
year after year, he became "Mr. Tuolumne Meadows". To less experienced
ranger-naturalists, he was a model to follow...It is very appropriate that
an unnamed peak on the Sierra crest near the eastern border of Yosemite
National Park should be named for Carl Sharsmith."
Creek, California
November 19,
"I propose the formal name...Sharsmith not only honor Carl
Sharsmiths as an exceptional National Park Ranger but to provide a beacon
for the many future hikers, rangers and outdoors people who will look up to
this peak as a reminder of the true spirit of the mountains...what we need
is that one Beacon on the map to continue to guide us."
63) JIM SANO, San Francisco,
California, former Yosemite/Mather District naturalist, now President
Geographic Expeditions, board member of National Board of the Trust for
Public Lands and National Council of World Wildlife Fund:
October 27, 2006: "I'm
honored to join my former National Park Service colleagues in supporting
naming Peak 12,002...for Dr. Carl Sharsmith...It's almost impossible to
describe Dr. Sharsmith's wealth of contributions to the National Park
Service...When asked by park visitors for what might well have been the
thousandth time, 'What's the name of that flower?' or 'Can you tell me the
name of that peak?' Carl would pause, reflect, and launch into a grand,
intriguing soliloquy, pulling the name of the flower or mountain through the
eye of the needle of nature, as John Muir wrote, and bringing all of the
natural universe along with it. I envision a day when park visitors
will gaze upon what is now Peak 12,002 in the alpenglow and ask, 'What's the
name of that peak?' And what a story there will be to tell."
Gail Thompson-Strong, Pollock Pines, California. Yosemite
National Park visitor
October 27, 2006: "I request
that your board approved the name Sharsmith Peak...This name is already in
informal use..."
Kentfield, California, co-founder of Trust for Public Land:
October 29, 2006: "My wife,
Joan, my children Dirk and Marika were first touched by Carl as ranger
naturalist in Tuolumne Meadows forty years ago. He generated a personal,
passionate and profound embrace of our Sierras and our earth that endures to
this day. I went on to Co-found the Trust for Public Land, a national land
conservation organization that has conserved more than a million acres of
land in forty states. My wife is a docent in Anza Borrego Desert State Park.
My son is the founder of Marine Applied Research and Exploration, a
nonprofit working to conserve ocean habitat. Each of these efforts are
directly attributable to the touch of Carl Sharsmith. Naming a peak for this
wondrous person would inspire generations to inquire about him and his work
and his love of the land and perpetuate the learning that his life reflects
today and into the future."
October 30, 2006: "We wish
you luck with your effort."
Yosemite National Park, California,
long-time Manager Tuolumne Meadows Lodge of Delaware North Parks and Resorts
at Yosemite
October 26, 2006:
"Please consider my personal name the peak, Sharsmith
Peak...for Carl W. Sharsmith...Carl was undoubtedly the most knowledgeable,
experienced, inspirational Ranger-Naturalist I have ever known or who ever
participated in the interpretation programs in the Yosemite High Sierra.
Carl changed my life and my appreciation for nature, mountain climbing, the
High Sierra...Carl is admired abroad and in our Natural Park System
universally. He deserves a peak named after him."
68) MICHAEL ROSS, El Portal,
California, park naturalist, naturalist-author and Instructor Yosemite
October 25, 2006: "The
legacy of Carl Sharsmith stands alongside of John Muir, Francois Matthes,
and Ansel Adams as one of the giants in recent Yosemite history...Carl was a
mentor to not only my generation but also interpreters who were my parent's
age...As years went on Carl became a celebrity as he appeared in films and
articles about Yosemite. His wit and commitment to park values and
preservation...won the hearts and minds of people throughout the United
States...Carl was the ultimate ambassador for preservation and for
instilling a love of nature. Whether it was a young Robert Redford in the
30's or a teenager from San Jose in the 80's, Carl touched everyone deeply.
Yosemite has features named after people who merely passed through the Park
and others who had nothing to do with Park history. There is no more
deserving figure [than] Carl Sharsmith whose name should be added to the
map. Toward the end of his life a group of younger naturalists asked Carl
which feature he would like named after him. We suggested the unnamed 12,002
foot high peak north of Gaylor Peak. Carl was pleased with the
suggestion...Since that time, that peak has been called Sharsmith Peak by a
large number of people. It would be a great honor to Carl and a wonderful
way to keep his ideals alive for future generations."
Crater Lake Institute:
October 31, 2006: "Truly, for anyone to be in
the shadow of this man was an indelible experience and I can think of no
greater Honor to perpetuate Carl's Memory than by naming an unnamed peak,
Sharsmith Peak."
May 27, 2006:
Sharsmith was the finest example of what an interpreter in the NPS should see his audience respond to him was like seeing the Gates of Heaven.
We need to honor Dr. Sharsmith and all the people that he influenced by
naming the peak after him."
Additional statements may have been sent directly by individuals to the Board on Geographic Names.
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